Unlocking Inner Personal Change: The Transformative Power of Community Relationships

In the journey of personal growth and healing, the profound impact of relationships cannot be overstated. Whether it's the support of close friends, the guidance of mentors, or the empathy of a community, our interactions with others play a pivotal role in shaping our inner worlds and facilitating transformative change.

Lessons Learned from a Public Spectacle in Downtown Berkeley

I’d just met my friend for lunch, as I got close to my car…I realized I was blocked in and surrounded by a Farmer’s market in the parking lot where I’d parked. Crap. How do I get my car out? Is that a parking ticket on windshield? 
And that’s when I...

Celebrating the Arrival of Warmth and Renewal!

As we move away from winter's short days embrace and welcome the gentle caress of spring, cultures around the world come alive with vibrant celebrations marking this seasonal transition. From colorful festivals to age-old traditions. here’s a few examples of how communities across the globe honor the end of winter and embrace the promise of new beginnings.🌹


The safety created in my most honest relationships was able to take root only after we each discovered within ourselves a more powerful voice with which to yell back at our inner critics. ‘Stop🛑.  Enough. Your efforts to protect me hurt me more than help. I won’t listen anymore!’ It was through learning to be gentle, accepting and honest with ourselves that we were truly able to give each other the grace and safe space to be fully honest with each other, to show up whole.