Are the new mini moon and solar flares effecting your health? 

Have you been:

🔩Feeling funky, anxious, or low? 
🔩Not sleeping well? 
🔩Having more conflicts than usual?
🔩Having  surprising or  bizarre experiences?

There is a LOT happening in the cosmos 🪐 right now and these things can have a greater impact than we might imagine.  

We have temporarily gained a new “mini moon” 🌒 and we are being blasted by higher than usual solar flare activity or CMEs 💥 (Coronal Mass Ejections). These recent CMEs have been strong enough to produce KP8 and 9 Auroras visible in the lower United States and powerful enough to rip off the tail of the comet passing by.  CMEs trigger powerful geomagnetic storms the effects of which we feel here on earth.  

While we are protected from the resulting radiation by our earth’s geomagnetic field (thank you Mother Earth 🌍 !) we can, nevertheless, be impacted  in a number of ways. 

We might notice:

-⚡️Electrical system disruptions effecting technology that we rely on in daily life. 
-🫀The body’s electrical systems being disrupted resulting in changes in blood pressure or heart rate variability. 

-💤Sleep disturbances (some studies suggest a correlation between geomagnetic disturbances and changes in melatonin production). 

-😒 Mood swings and increased irritability.  

Happily, there are things you can do 🛡️to help offset the negative effects of this added atmospheric energy so that you can enjoy the positives such as watching the beauty of the Aurora Borealis✨ in your own backyard! 

-Be sure to ground 🌳 yourself as much and often as possible (bare feet to the earth or leaning on a tree can help!) and seek out rest where you can.  

-Drink 💦 plenty of fluids and eat clean food avoiding processed substances that will put extra pressure on your system.   

-Most of all, be gentle with yourself and others ♥️- we could all use a little extra kindness and patience right about now!
May you weather these storms ⛈️ well❣️

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